Q&A with the Caledonia’s Joseph Torres

Q&A with the Caledonia’s Joseph Torres

  • Lance Nu-Che
  • 03/11/19

A warm welcome back to The Caledonia’s porter, Joseph Torres. Joseph has been out of commission due to a recent back injury, but will happily be back to The Caledonia on March 26. He recently took some time out of his day to share with us for the Caledonia Team feature on my website.

Lance: Please tell us about your background. Where were you born and raised?

Joseph: I was born and raised in the East Bronx, New York.

Lance: In what ways have you seen the East Bronx change – for better or worse – since growing up there?​​​​​​​

Joseph: The East Bronx is a lot better now. When I was growing up, there were a lot of abandoned buildings, but now there’s houses, new buildings, more business. It’s really improved.

Lance: What are some of your hobbies and passions?​​​​​​​

Joseph: I play a lot of sports, but my passion is baseball. I played Class A minor league baseball with the Oneonta Yankees in Oneonta, New York. I was almost drafted into the MLB.

Lance: When did you start playing baseball?

Joseph: Ever since I was a little kid, I was always watching it, playing it with friends. Now I play softball competitively, so I travel – Florida, Pennsylvania, Upstate New York, all over the Tri-State area. I love it.

Lance: What are some of your favorite places to go/things to do in NYC?

Joseph: I really enjoy spending time in Central Park – just walking, enjoying the day. I also love going anywhere Upstate, but especially Lake Carmel and Rhinecliff. It’s really beautiful up there.

Lance: What do you like most about being part of the Caledonia team?

Joseph: What I really love is that when stuff needs to get done, or if there’s an emergency or anything, we work on it as a team, and we solve it. The residents are always happy. I love working at The Caledonia. I love the residents. Some of the residents are so great.

Lance: And what is the most challenging part?​​​​​​​

Joseph:  Hmmm…great question. You know, as long as we communicate – with supervisors, residents, etcetera – then really, nothing should be challenging.

Lance: What are three things that residents of The Caledonia would be surprised to learn about you?​​​​​​​

Joseph: The first thing is that I love listening to Depeche Mode. Looking at me, you wouldn’t think it, but I’m a big Depeche Mode fan! The second thing is just that I’m so athletic, because I’m a big guy. A lot of times, I’ll leave work in my uniform, so you wouldn’t know it, but I’m actually on my way to a game! And the third is that I have three boys – nineteen, thirteen, and two years old. I love being with my family.​​​​​​​

Lance: Thank you so much for taking the time for this interview. I hope you have a speedy recovery. We’re looking forward to having you back at The Caledonia.

​​​​​​​Joseph: Thank you, it’s my pleasure. I’m looking forward to being back, too!

Work With Lance

Lance has been in the real estate business for over ten years and is armed with an impressive track record of service and success. He has proven to be top in his field and well respected among his colleagues.